As foreshadowed in my previous post, Mr. PB and I moved quickly once we saw past our inaccurate perceptions of each other. From the Jedi mind trick to us going out for the first time to then becoming FBO (Facebook Official) to us sharing our love with each other, it was only 16 days. Mr. PB even jokingly brought up us going to Vegas and getting married before we were even FBO. Both of us weren’t shy with how we felt and neither of us were afraid to move the relationship further.
So after four months of being together (and just about as many sleepovers), we decided to start looking for our own place. By February 2011, we were moving into our own townhouse together.
Looking back, I’ll definitely say rain on a moving day is good luck, too! // Source: Facebook/Paint
After getting adjusted to living together for just six months, our family doubled.
Meet Conan and Belle! // Personal photo
Mr. PB and I decided to adopt two kitties from our local Humane Society shelter, Lollypop Farm. They’re truly our babies and we may talk to them like they’re humans (but you don’t have any proof of that!). The kitties have grown since the above photo and so has our love for them. I wasn’t much of a cat person before we adopted the brother and sister duo but now I can’t imagine my life without these fur babies.
For those keeping score at home, that’s 11 months, a townhouse, two cats and a partridge in a pear tree. (Okay, maybe not the last one.) Mr. K and I never really thought twice about our decisions and the speed we were doing them in. Even if others didn’t completely understand or agree with our actions or the swiftness of our choices, we knew deep down that it was what we wanted and felt most comfortable with.
Did you move quicker with your fiance than the “norm”? Did fur babies make their way into your relationship as well?